Finally we can show you all photos from the 2017 AYA Body Image Clinic. The night was sponsored by the RTF and conducted by Thushari from Embellish Fashions. It provided a large group of teenagers with professional tips and advice on fashion to enhance the confidence and well-being of young people undergoing the challenge of body effecting cancer treatment.
The AYA clinic evening brought together make-up professionals to teach new cosmetic techniques, an experienced runway model to guide posture and movement and the provision of a complete range of designer clothing and accessories specifically selected for teenagers.
Teenagers particularly, can be challenged with body image concerns. The AYA clinic supported by the RTF understands the sensitivities and concerns experienced by teenagers and delivers support directly to this age group.
The evening finale involved a fashion runway and showcase to friend’s family and staff by the AYA teenagers showing off with flare their new designer fashions, make-up and walk techniques.
It was an incredible night enjoyed by all involved and we would like to say a huge thank you to Thushari and her team for running the night.